As you may know from our roadmap the remaining Pre-alpha features are The ability to grab enemies and Player accounts. We were going to release them in separate updates, but due to the canceling and un-canceling of the Grab, we've decided to release them both in one extra large Alpha transition extravaganza!
The first version of the account system is nearly done. With the Alpha update, we will launch a new MythoLogic Interactive website, better and prettier than the current one. This is where you'll sign up and get your account. The SFD launcher has been redone with a snazzy new design and a login control. Initially, creating an account will be completely optional, though we'd appreciate your help in testing the system. "Offline" players will have their names in gray instead of white on the scoreboard, and there will be an option when hosting a game to only allow logged-in players to join.
Implementing Grabbing and finishing up the account features will take a few weeks, so don't expect Alpha v 1.0 before the end of October.