A Canadian company called
Player One Arcade got in touch with us. Apparently a fan of the Superfighters Flash game hired them to build an arcade cabinet. We don't have video evidence of this thing in action yet, but judging by the pictures it's a glorious thing. We were asked if more arcades could be built as a promotion for the game, and of course we agreed. So who knows, maybe you'll be able to play Superfighters in an arcade setting before too long.
Now it's high time for a Superfighters Deluxe status update! The next big thing on the roadmap is bots. The first version of these bots will only be able to do basic things like navigate the level and fight, they will then be refined over the course of development. This is a fun part of game development, watching the game take on a life of its own and gradually feel more autonomous. We're looking to release version 1 of these bots in a major update this autumn - maybe around a certain spooky season...