* Adjusted some spawn points on Helipad.
* If you reach the final cutscene in Operation Sunrine while having a strength boost active, you will no longer die when the strength boost runs out.
* Tweaked bots so they are less likely to grab and kick in melee while holding a chainsaw.
* Fixed a bug where thrown items could deal less damage than intended if they passed through platforms in certain situations.
* Fixed a bug where bots could become unresponsive in melee for up to a second if the opponent moved out of melee range and back again.
* Fixed a bug where bots could fail to drop a chainsaw with no fuel left if they got hit while trying to drop it.
* Fixed a bug where extension script names would read the file name rather than the correct name field, causing the filename to always be displayed as the script name. (The filename is still visible for moderators using the "/SCRIPTS" command.)
* Fixed a bug in the map editor where the map input limit for map name, script name, author and description fields were ignored.
* Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze if you created a new game while having an extension script with too long name, author or description text (ignoring the length limit) in your SFD script folder.