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Superfighters Deluxe Pre-alpha 1.1.2
3 Nov 2012
Added ladders.
Tile overhaul - added, changed and removed many tiles.
NOTE: Any maps made before this update will be unplayable!
New weapon: Assault Rifle.
Two new maps: Hotel and Facility.
Redesigned Rooftops and Storage, and renamed the latter Warehouse.
Lowered overall game speed slightly.
Players are now frozen the first second of each round.
When a player leaves a game, his character will die.
The Even Teams option now evens the teams after each round, and not just when a player joins.
The camera now covers the entire map by default. Tab toggles to the unfinished "dynamic" camera mode.
Changed folder structure for custom maps.
NOTE: Downloaded maps should be placed in the "maps\downloaded" folder to show up in-game.
Map editor: "Map Area" has been replaced with a "World Bottom" property. Objects that fall to the bottom of the map will be destroyed.
Tweaked gun damage and fire rate.
Fixed several bugs related to cover.
Fixed a typo in the map editor.
Other bug fixes.
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MythoLogic Interactive is an independent game developer duo. We make games in our spare time on a shoestring budget and with a whole lot of passion.
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